
Sunday, October 17, 2010



There is a hall owned by old book (secondhand book) association and they hold a secondhand book market every month.  I like to buy art books and rare foreign books.  Very cheap; around 1000 yen and good quality.

買ったのは、"SMILES BACK" という写真集と、アンディ・ウォホールの画集"Vesvius by Warhol".

SMILES BACKは、アメリカの雑誌LIFE誌に掲載された「何これ!?」的にクスッと笑えるハプニング的な瞬間的ショットの写真集。 


I bought 2 books today; one is a photo book titled "SMILES BACK" edited by the American magazine LIFE. Another is "Vesvius by Warhol".

SMILES BACK is full of happening shots make us laugh and smile.
I love pictures in LIFE because I feel "time" and "realism" from their selection view point.


Andy Warhol is one of my favorite artist as his works are complication of full of energy, nostalgic and modern.
I was luckily went to the Andy Warhol Last Ten Decades exhibition at the Brooklyn museum this summer.

今日買った画集は、イタリア・ナポリの火山ヴェスヴィアス(1世紀にこの火山噴火でポンペイという街が埋没されたらしい)だけを描いた絵、彼のスナップショット、インタビューもありで300円で買えたのはラッキー。 彼は火山噴火はとんでもない迫力と人知を超えた現象であると同時に、すばらしい彫刻作品のようで、だからこの作品を描いた、、と。

The Vesvius by Warhol consists from pictures of Mt. Vesvius in Naple, Italy that buried the city of Pompai, his snap shots and very long interview..... I got it at only 300 yen. Andy says the reason why he drew pictures of Mt. Vesvius are an eruption is an extraordinary and an overwhelming happening and even it is a great sculpture.