その日あったこと、感じたことなど自由に書いた日々の記録。 日本語以外の友人たちともシェアできるように英語でも書いてます...... This journal is what I did and thought in my daily life. I would like to share this with Japanese and Non Japanese friends. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
one day in Hiroshima - #2
After walking in the peace memorial park, I had a lunch at an outside terrace of restaurant alongside a river. I had a talk a little bit with a madame from Paris, France sitting next to me.
I didn't know many rivers in the city of Hiroshima. Leaves, grasses... walking alongside the river with deep green makes me feel tender and relaxing. And, street cars! Lots of nostalgic ambient in Hiroshima...
Taking a street car from A-Bomb Dome to go to Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art. It is located at the middle of Mt. Hiki; nealy 500m from the street car station.
Special exhibition "More of an Activity; Artists as Choregraphers" was really interesting. Photo was prohibited, see this site.
This work represents continuing numbers in darkness as a continuance of time. Missing numbers area is the moment of atomic bombing in Hiroshima, thus the lost time.
最も心動かされた瞬間 - 鑑賞者の参加で一体化するアートの前でダンスする子供たち。
This is the most moved moment - kids dancing in front of the art that can be completed by viewer participating.
The Peace Memorial Museum is something hard, heavy and it keep questioning us "what is peace". Besides, this museum is full of happy atmosphere to enjoy contemporary arts. We can't enjoy arts freely and express arts freely without peace. So, I felt existence of 2 museums in the city of Hiroshima is very important and meaningful.
Hiroshima is interesting place, I would like to come back here again to visit different places.
See you!