その日あったこと、感じたことなど自由に書いた日々の記録。 日本語以外の友人たちともシェアできるように英語でも書いてます...... This journal is what I did and thought in my daily life. I would like to share this with Japanese and Non Japanese friends. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
7月生まれの女の子でちゅ!きょう、このおウチに引っ越ちてきまちた! ヨロチクね!
Hello! I am BEE-DAMA. I am a girl born in July! I came to here today! Nice to meet you.
BEE-DAMA is an unique name... my new family named so because my eyes are as beautiful and brightly as the bee-dama; grass beads for kids play. I explored much in the house today!
7月初旬に宝塚動物霊園に兄弟4匹ともに捨てられていた子猫を心ある方が保健所による殺処分から救い出し、そしてyohさんが一時的に引き取り必死の里親探し、限られた時間でも深い愛情を注いでくださり、きょう ようやく我が家に来ました。何よりも良かったのは、びいだまの兄弟姉妹、全員に里親が決まり、新しい生活が始まっています。
One woman found 4 abandoned kittens (brothers and sisters) in a box at the animal graveyard in the middle of August and saved them from the kills by administration. Another woman yoh-san took care of them for a week with deep love even limited time and looking very hard for new family for them. BEE-DAMA is one of them and finally she came to here! Very good thing is that all 4 kittens have started their new life with new family.
Sleeping stretching her arms and legs freely ...
Kumi and Azumax just dropped by to say hello.