このご時世、最小限の人数で回しているから、1人5役かそれ以上か..... 給料は残念ながら世間平均以下だが。それでもこのご時世、毎日仕事があるだけでも有り難いのか?
長く働いていると仕事の奥行きと幅が広がり、経験から色々と学び、対応能力も優れてくる。 社内では頼られる。あの人に任せておけば大丈夫、彼女ならちゃんとやってくれると言われる。良いように言われるのは悪くはないが、思う... 仕事多すぎるやん!ちょっと待って、そこも私が見るの?!って。 だから、自分の中でちゃんと線を引こう、柔軟性は大事だけど何でも屋さんになってはいけないって。
あ、でも 波乗りも柔軟性と関係なくもないかも、、、
I worked as a sales staff till 9pm after handling some things at the office. At this recession, my company has minimum manpower for many roles. Maybe 5 or more rolles per person ... unfortunately salary is less than average in Japan. But is it still lucky to have a job in this tough time?
Thinking about "flexibility". Work performance improves by working for years from experiences and work capacities go better. "you can rely on her", "she can do it" .... It's not bad to be said so, however, too variety things to take care of. I somethime think; it is important to draw a line between "being flexible" and "being utility".
Today's pic is no relation to "flexibility" - 3 board brothers at Nakamura, Kochi
Wait a minute... surfing could be similar being flexible in any way...