I went to Hiroshima on August 12th; the first visit there in my life. I was urged to want to know more about atomic bomb, what happened in Hiroshima on the day and felt "I must go there". Luckily got one seat during very packed bullet trains for a summer holiday week in Japan.
Atomic Bomb Dome:
This dome is what remains of the Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Promotion Hall destroyed by one atomic bomb on August 6, 1945. More than 200,000 peopled were killed by a bomb and burned everything within 2 km radius in a moment. This dome was registered as UNESCO world heritage in 1996.
Many of burned victims jumped into this river and it was more than hell.
They surely had such a beautiful summer sky like this just before a second from 8:15 am on August 6; the moment of atomic bomb dropping.
2歳の時に被爆したある少女が、12歳で原爆後遺症による白血病で入院。 苦しみの中、健康の回復を祈りながら千羽の折り鶴を作ることが出来れば回復して幸せな生活が送れるとを信じて少女は鶴を折り続けました。 8ヶ月後に亡くなります。
Paper cranes is a symbol of hope and peace but I didn't know why. A girl suffered a bomb in Hiroshima when she was 2 years old was diagnosed as leukemia 10 years later. She was convinced that if she could fold 1000 paper cranes, she would recover to live long and happy life. She was passed away 8 months later.
There is A-Bomb Dome in the center of the monument to the atomic bomb victims.
慰霊碑から広がる芝生で8月6日に記念式典が行われ、今年は国連事務総長、駐日大使をはじめ70カ国以上の海外からの参列もありました。 向こうの建物が平和記念資料館。
This is the place of having the ceremony on August 6; the day of bomb dropping. This year, more than 70 countries including UN Secretary General, USA, France and UK. The Peace Memorial Museum is over there.
昭和43年から歴代の広島市長は、全ての核実験に対して実行国へ抗議文を送っていて、相当数の抗議文が陳列されていますが、写真は一部です。 私が思ったところ、アメリカが一番多く、次いでロシア(ソビエト時代含む)、フランスの順で、それは合っていたようです。それにしても、この3カ国の国民のうち何人が自国の核実験について知っているのか?
Mayors of Hiroshima city has been sending a letters of protest against every single country did a nuclear test since 1969. There are countless letters and the picture is only a part. My impression was USA No. 1, Russia (including Soviet era) No. 2 and France No. 3 and it was right. But, how many people of these countries know that their country has been doing nuclear tests?
広島に投下されたのと同じ原爆。 この原爆を作ったのは、ヒトラーの迫害から逃れてアメリカに渡ったユダヤ人の科学者たちとは知らなかった。 彼らはヒトラーの殺戮を逃れて新天地を求めたアメリカで、新たな殺戮を生み出すのは何と皮肉なことだろう。
This is the same model of bomb dropped in Hiroshima.
I didn't know that Jewish scientists who escaped from "jew-baiting" by Hitler and immigrated to USA made this bomb. What an irony that they escaped from killing and created another killing.
今日 8月15日は終戦記念日です。
ノーモアヒロシマ。 平和を。
I think it would be very hard to say what is justice and what is wrong during a war time. But very clear thing is that victims are civilians and solders. Every single person has their own life, live, family, love and friendship.
Today, August 15th is the anniversary of the end of World War II.
No More Hiroshima - Give PEACE a chance
... to be continued to #2