そして、鬱陶しいのが鳩ぽっぽ 鳩山一郎。
彼は、坂本龍馬気取りか? 小沢さんと管さんの会談のフィクサー演じて、まるで薩長同盟でも仕掛けているつもりか?
いい加減にしておくれ! だから鳩は嫌いなのよねぇ。ボーリング転がすぞ。
About politics in Japan... it is so strange and awful situation... really "give me a break!", don't you the Japanese think so???
I voted to the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) at the lower house election last time as I expected they have power to change the stacked Japan very much and majority of voter expected the same thing that was why they won 308 seats in 480 seats.
However, what the DPJ has been doing is the same as "going to Jerusalem" game; there is no wishes/opinions of voters; no direction how to manage this country; very bad economy.
Our prime minister says "I will do my very best for the best result for Japan".... that is not what the prime minister says.
And what annoying is Ichiro Hatoyama; is he pretending himself as a Ryoma Sakamoto??? Does he think as if he is a fixer of meeting with Ozawa and the Prime minister something like the Satcho Aliance?
Just Give Me a B.R.E.A.K!!! I really hate "pigeons" Hato as mentioned before . I warn you to spin the ball!
その日あったこと、感じたことなど自由に書いた日々の記録。 日本語以外の友人たちともシェアできるように英語でも書いてます...... This journal is what I did and thought in my daily life. I would like to share this with Japanese and Non Japanese friends. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
もう、この土日は「びいだまDAY」 とてもリラックスした週末でした!
Falling in love my kitten BEE-DAMA.
She is so lovely. She sleeps and plays very much; getting used to new home.
My weekend was absolutely "For Bee-Dama". Very relaxed weekend!
She loves "threads" very much
Cute sleeping face!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
7月生まれの女の子でちゅ!きょう、このおウチに引っ越ちてきまちた! ヨロチクね!
Hello! I am BEE-DAMA. I am a girl born in July! I came to here today! Nice to meet you.
BEE-DAMA is an unique name... my new family named so because my eyes are as beautiful and brightly as the bee-dama; grass beads for kids play. I explored much in the house today!
7月初旬に宝塚動物霊園に兄弟4匹ともに捨てられていた子猫を心ある方が保健所による殺処分から救い出し、そしてyohさんが一時的に引き取り必死の里親探し、限られた時間でも深い愛情を注いでくださり、きょう ようやく我が家に来ました。何よりも良かったのは、びいだまの兄弟姉妹、全員に里親が決まり、新しい生活が始まっています。
One woman found 4 abandoned kittens (brothers and sisters) in a box at the animal graveyard in the middle of August and saved them from the kills by administration. Another woman yoh-san took care of them for a week with deep love even limited time and looking very hard for new family for them. BEE-DAMA is one of them and finally she came to here! Very good thing is that all 4 kittens have started their new life with new family.
Sleeping stretching her arms and legs freely ...
Kumi and Azumax just dropped by to say hello.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Friday!
そう、つまり 「花金」です、きょうは。
今朝は会社近くで Three hunderd thirty days の新ショップを発見。
ここのディレクター 加藤氏はいるかな?と開店前準備中の店内を覗くと いたいた。。。
窓をコンコンしたら笑顔の加藤ちゃんが出てきた。相変わらずユルい、すごいリラックスのレイドバックな人。でも、要職を担っている人、すばらしい緩急。見習いたい。しばしお喋り。 攻めの出店、グッドラック!
今宵はDub Factory presents Well experiences at Mambo cafe, Osaka へ
Yes, it's Friday today.
I found new store of ladies cloths brand "Three hundred thirty days" near my office this morning. Wondering if Mr. Kato, the brand director is there? Looking into the store in the midst of opening preparation, he was there... I knocked the window and he found me, came out from with big smile. His atmosphere is always relaxing and laid-back to make us feel cozy and flat. But he is CEO or COO something... great, very ideal man.... Hi and chatting for a while. Aggressive store openings under tough time, good luck!
Tonight, I went to a DJ night "Dub Factory presents Well experiences at Mambo cafe, Osaka".
I'm uploading from my cell, and a little drunken tonight - so no picture of today.
そう、つまり 「花金」です、きょうは。
今朝は会社近くで Three hunderd thirty days の新ショップを発見。
ここのディレクター 加藤氏はいるかな?と開店前準備中の店内を覗くと いたいた。。。
窓をコンコンしたら笑顔の加藤ちゃんが出てきた。相変わらずユルい、すごいリラックスのレイドバックな人。でも、要職を担っている人、すばらしい緩急。見習いたい。しばしお喋り。 攻めの出店、グッドラック!
今宵はDub Factory presents Well experiences at Mambo cafe, Osaka へ
Yes, it's Friday today.
I found new store of ladies cloths brand "Three hundred thirty days" near my office this morning. Wondering if Mr. Kato, the brand director is there? Looking into the store in the midst of opening preparation, he was there... I knocked the window and he found me, came out from with big smile. His atmosphere is always relaxing and laid-back to make us feel cozy and flat. But he is CEO or COO something... great, very ideal man.... Hi and chatting for a while. Aggressive store openings under tough time, good luck!
Tonight, I went to a DJ night "Dub Factory presents Well experiences at Mambo cafe, Osaka".
I'm uploading from my cell, and a little drunken tonight - so no picture of today.
Friday, August 27, 2010
今 この瞬間に、明後日うちにやってくる子猫は何をしているんだろう?
今 大阪は夜の11時だけど、フランスは午後4時、NYは朝の10時。
時差とか仕事柄当たり前だけれど、改めて意識するとこれって「時空 タイムスペース?」と、思ったり。「時空」という言葉を検索すると、ニュートンやらアインシュタインやら相対性理論やら、何やら意味不明。私なんて、これが何学かも分からない。でも、自分と直面している時間だけでなくて、客観的に周囲の時間を想像すると、平面の時間がすごく立体的に感じる.. ノイズ、音、喜び、怒り、静寂.... 興味深い。
I was thinking about "time" during washing dishes tonight. Everybody has everybody's time right now in this moment. It's nothing special finding, I just thought about it.
For instance, what is my baby kitten coming to here this Saturday doing now?
For instance, it is 11pm in Japan, 4pm in France and 10 am in NY.
At this moment, everybody has everybody's time.
In my business, I always work with the time difference. But when I am conscious about "time" surrounding me, is it something called as "time-space"?
Looking up the word of "time-space"... wow... Newton, Einstein, The theory of relativity... what?? No idea at all. I don't even know what -logy or science. But just imagine simply "time"objectively, I feel the planar time I am now in turns to the 3 dimensional space with noise, sound, joy, anger, serenity.... it's interesting.
Well, it's a little bit hard to conclude today's blog... anyway, it's about time to finish tonight.
Is this door also the time-space something?
今 この瞬間に、明後日うちにやってくる子猫は何をしているんだろう?
今 大阪は夜の11時だけど、フランスは午後4時、NYは朝の10時。
時差とか仕事柄当たり前だけれど、改めて意識するとこれって「時空 タイムスペース?」と、思ったり。「時空」という言葉を検索すると、ニュートンやらアインシュタインやら相対性理論やら、何やら意味不明。私なんて、これが何学かも分からない。でも、自分と直面している時間だけでなくて、客観的に周囲の時間を想像すると、平面の時間がすごく立体的に感じる.. ノイズ、音、喜び、怒り、静寂.... 興味深い。
I was thinking about "time" during washing dishes tonight. Everybody has everybody's time right now in this moment. It's nothing special finding, I just thought about it.
For instance, what is my baby kitten coming to here this Saturday doing now?
For instance, it is 11pm in Japan, 4pm in France and 10 am in NY.
At this moment, everybody has everybody's time.
In my business, I always work with the time difference. But when I am conscious about "time" surrounding me, is it something called as "time-space"?
Looking up the word of "time-space"... wow... Newton, Einstein, The theory of relativity... what?? No idea at all. I don't even know what -logy or science. But just imagine simply "time"objectively, I feel the planar time I am now in turns to the 3 dimensional space with noise, sound, joy, anger, serenity.... it's interesting.
Well, it's a little bit hard to conclude today's blog... anyway, it's about time to finish tonight.
Is this door also the time-space something?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
このご時世、最小限の人数で回しているから、1人5役かそれ以上か..... 給料は残念ながら世間平均以下だが。それでもこのご時世、毎日仕事があるだけでも有り難いのか?
長く働いていると仕事の奥行きと幅が広がり、経験から色々と学び、対応能力も優れてくる。 社内では頼られる。あの人に任せておけば大丈夫、彼女ならちゃんとやってくれると言われる。良いように言われるのは悪くはないが、思う... 仕事多すぎるやん!ちょっと待って、そこも私が見るの?!って。 だから、自分の中でちゃんと線を引こう、柔軟性は大事だけど何でも屋さんになってはいけないって。
あ、でも 波乗りも柔軟性と関係なくもないかも、、、
I worked as a sales staff till 9pm after handling some things at the office. At this recession, my company has minimum manpower for many roles. Maybe 5 or more rolles per person ... unfortunately salary is less than average in Japan. But is it still lucky to have a job in this tough time?
Thinking about "flexibility". Work performance improves by working for years from experiences and work capacities go better. "you can rely on her", "she can do it" .... It's not bad to be said so, however, too variety things to take care of. I somethime think; it is important to draw a line between "being flexible" and "being utility".
Today's pic is no relation to "flexibility" - 3 board brothers at Nakamura, Kochi
Wait a minute... surfing could be similar being flexible in any way...
このご時世、最小限の人数で回しているから、1人5役かそれ以上か..... 給料は残念ながら世間平均以下だが。それでもこのご時世、毎日仕事があるだけでも有り難いのか?
長く働いていると仕事の奥行きと幅が広がり、経験から色々と学び、対応能力も優れてくる。 社内では頼られる。あの人に任せておけば大丈夫、彼女ならちゃんとやってくれると言われる。良いように言われるのは悪くはないが、思う... 仕事多すぎるやん!ちょっと待って、そこも私が見るの?!って。 だから、自分の中でちゃんと線を引こう、柔軟性は大事だけど何でも屋さんになってはいけないって。
あ、でも 波乗りも柔軟性と関係なくもないかも、、、
I worked as a sales staff till 9pm after handling some things at the office. At this recession, my company has minimum manpower for many roles. Maybe 5 or more rolles per person ... unfortunately salary is less than average in Japan. But is it still lucky to have a job in this tough time?
Thinking about "flexibility". Work performance improves by working for years from experiences and work capacities go better. "you can rely on her", "she can do it" .... It's not bad to be said so, however, too variety things to take care of. I somethime think; it is important to draw a line between "being flexible" and "being utility".
Today's pic is no relation to "flexibility" - 3 board brothers at Nakamura, Kochi
Wait a minute... surfing could be similar being flexible in any way...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Oh Brother!
A friend like a younger brother, Hiko-chan came to my house tonight. He is a bike-teacher, too. He brought very yummy tofu and fried tofu, and I cooked special family recipe (?) of baked squid with special soy & ginger source ...
彼は私のことを「姉さん」と呼ぶ。10月にはパパになる!指輪のサイズはどうやって計ったらいい?と聞かれる。奥さんに指輪を買うそう.... 家族のために仕事も頑張っているし、姉としては嬉しいよ!
We enjoyed sister-brother talk. He calls me "sister".
He is going to be a father in October! He asked me how to gauge a size of ring, looking for a ring for his wife.... He works hard for family, I am so glad and relieved as a sister!
A friend like a younger brother, Hiko-chan came to my house tonight. He is a bike-teacher, too. He brought very yummy tofu and fried tofu, and I cooked special family recipe (?) of baked squid with special soy & ginger source ...
彼は私のことを「姉さん」と呼ぶ。10月にはパパになる!指輪のサイズはどうやって計ったらいい?と聞かれる。奥さんに指輪を買うそう.... 家族のために仕事も頑張っているし、姉としては嬉しいよ!
We enjoyed sister-brother talk. He calls me "sister".
He is going to be a father in October! He asked me how to gauge a size of ring, looking for a ring for his wife.... He works hard for family, I am so glad and relieved as a sister!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Today was another "Long Hot Summer", the Monday version.
Nothing to write other than being very careful, a tornado busy day and no time to have even lunch as I kept having meetings, phone conferences and emails for some big to small projects at the same time though, writing something everyday is the Junko Journal.
Change my mood, I would like to listen to music of Paul Weller, who was my god in teenager.
ロングホットサマー スタイルカウンシル
Today was another "Long Hot Summer", the Monday version.
Nothing to write other than being very careful, a tornado busy day and no time to have even lunch as I kept having meetings, phone conferences and emails for some big to small projects at the same time though, writing something everyday is the Junko Journal.
Change my mood, I would like to listen to music of Paul Weller, who was my god in teenager.
ロングホットサマー スタイルカウンシル
Sunday, August 22, 2010
It's like walking on a very hot iron ... this summer in Osaka is really tough, really more than tough.I will have my kitten from next week, so a friend of mine who is a cat expert Kumi and I went out for buying some stuff, then we had a lunch at Bombay Kitchen; an Indian restaurant in Shinsaibashi to overcome the hot summer!
Kumi is much younger than I, like my younger sister. She is adorable and very responsible and has very good sense of humor; an awesome girl. Thanks for your help of today during a such hot day!
Indian owner restaurant, full of Indian, yoga(?) spirit? He seems a master of spiritual world.
Indian owner restaurant, full of Indian, yoga(?) spirit? He seems a master of spiritual world.
After lunch with lots of fun talk, I go to the Isshinji temple in Tennoji for a family graveyard.
Work Hard!!
普段は海外のファッションブランド、大きく言えば日本における販売戦略なぞ聞こえはかっこいいけど雑多な細々したこともやっています。 で、きょうは立ち上げに関わって、今は別のスタッフが担当しているアメリカのデザイナーが1年半ぶりに来日イベント&パーティ。きょうは販売応援もして10時間以上立ちっぱなし! 久しぶりに彼と会って積もる話しで楽しかったけど、帰宅したら11時半。疲れました。でも、今のブランド担当は現在夜中の1時前、まだ仕事中。明日の東京イベント準備のために朝一番の新幹線で移動。。。私たちの世界では当たり前、カッコイイ仕事の裏では、はいつくばって必死に仕事をしてます。だから、「こんなはずじゃない」と辞めて行く子も多い。今日の写真は無し、でも疲れているから花の写真でも愛でましょう。
I work for fashion business, especially for branding and marketing how to launch/sales in Japan etc. It may sounds very cool but lots of detailed work and not so cool in fact. Well, we had a party and special event as one American of designers is coming to Japan. I involved for his first launching in Japan, now other staff is in charge of him. I helped the event today, kept standing more than 10 hours.... It was so nice to talk with the designer since 1 year and a half; lots of stories between him and me. But I was tired anyway..
However, current brand control staff still working (now before 1am) and she will leave for Tokyo at the 1st train tomorrow morning. It is very ordinal for us. Backstage of cool fashion business is really tough and lots of not cool things. So, I have seen lots of girls "this is not what I wanted." Well, I have no picture of today, so I would like to upload the flower picture I love for a joy of moment.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Spin the ball
こんな気分は、最近気になるアーティスト ツィ・ウァン・ユー(台湾)にハマる。
ロンドン市内、鳩の群れにボーリング! 動物愛護とかは置いといて、、。
まず、鳩嫌いの私は やってみたい。。願望だけですが。。ポリさんに捕まるし。
I had a super busy day today.
It's Friday, the busiest day a week in general, but I was alone in the office.
I had to pick up every single phone call, to receive every delivery, to pack, to unpack.....
While I was concentrating my big project starting from next week, another delicate issue happened from another important client.... I had a little happy moment in the middle of chaos though :-) Anyway, I am strangely hyper feeling tonight even now.
The Taiwanese artist Tsui Kuang-Yu is my mood tonight.
In the city of London, the incredible bowling alley into pigeons!
I hate pigeons very much, I want to do it... as a desire otherwise I may be arrested.
Imagine unpleasant pigeons as tumbling issues of today... I just want to spin the bowling ball to beat it.
こんな気分は、最近気になるアーティスト ツィ・ウァン・ユー(台湾)にハマる。
ロンドン市内、鳩の群れにボーリング! 動物愛護とかは置いといて、、。
まず、鳩嫌いの私は やってみたい。。願望だけですが。。ポリさんに捕まるし。
I had a super busy day today.
It's Friday, the busiest day a week in general, but I was alone in the office.
I had to pick up every single phone call, to receive every delivery, to pack, to unpack.....
While I was concentrating my big project starting from next week, another delicate issue happened from another important client.... I had a little happy moment in the middle of chaos though :-) Anyway, I am strangely hyper feeling tonight even now.
The Taiwanese artist Tsui Kuang-Yu is my mood tonight.
In the city of London, the incredible bowling alley into pigeons!
I hate pigeons very much, I want to do it... as a desire otherwise I may be arrested.
Imagine unpleasant pigeons as tumbling issues of today... I just want to spin the bowling ball to beat it.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Girl's talk
Had a dinner with a girlfriend and neighbors Kie-chan coincidence at a very casual Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood. I like this coincidence very much ;-)
Beers, Chinese liquor Shokoshu, dishes... had much more calories a day only tonight!
Kie-chan (left) and me
She is into Twitter.
Our girl's talk seems endless; music, destiny, business, events... including sharing things in hearts, lots of topics and hours and hours in "laid-back" cozy feeling.
Many slops in my neighbors but nobody skates here. Should be an attractive area for board kids if it's in San Francisco.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
好きな街 ニューヨークシティ
My favorite city NYC
Full of energy to feel us alive in good or not good meaning, and a sort of "nest",
and New Yorkers who have been living in such a tough city are heart warmed and sometimes too much "like mamma" to take care of... I love it.
My favorite city NYC
Full of energy to feel us alive in good or not good meaning, and a sort of "nest",
and New Yorkers who have been living in such a tough city are heart warmed and sometimes too much "like mamma" to take care of... I love it.
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