しかし、暑い。。。もうウンザリ! もう9月なのに、この灼熱の暑さ。エアコン無しでは過ごせないけど、電気代が怖い。。。
さて、きのうは彦ちゃんがお休みだったので、うちら夫婦と一緒に近所で食事。ここは閉店間際だったのでその後場所を変えて。彦ちゃんと別れた後、きえちゃんのお店 Down to earth の前を通ると閉店間際、西口サンもいた。その後、きえちゃんと自転車で玉造のバー HaLEへ。
What a hell... too hot, we are fed up with this too much heated summer. Hey, it is September, unbelievable. Can't stand surviving without an air-conditioner... I am afraid of bill for electric !
Well, Hiko chan was day off yesterday and went out for dinner together in neighbors. Had bites with some beers, we moved to different sea-food restaurant. After bye-bye to Hiko chan, I met Kieko at her shop Down To earth on the way to home and Nishiguchi-san was also there. I and Kieko rode to bike to the bar HaLE.
I am so regret that I didn't bring a digital camera; very bad quality of pictures from my cell....
Mexican ambiance green painted wall is really good vibration. Vintage furniture, home decor... something relaxing and warm atmosphere.
Nice bar, I will go there again.
I am so regret that I didn't bring a digital camera; very bad quality of pictures from my cell....
Mexican ambiance green painted wall is really good vibration. Vintage furniture, home decor... something relaxing and warm atmosphere.
Nice bar, I will go there again.