
Sunday, September 26, 2010










ジョン、ジェシカ おめでとう!!

This is the T-shirts from my family living in San Francisco.
The 10th Anniversary T-shirts of FECALFACE.COM.
FECALFACE.COM is owned by Jessica who is a sister of my sister-in-raw's husband and her husband John, the art gallery and a content-rich, comprehensive, multidisciplinary art and culture website supporting the art scene in San Francisco.
We met in last January.  They are mellow, laid-back, natural and very cool couple.
When I had a chance to talk with Tommy Guererro at his last show in Osaka, I asked about FECALFACE.COM as he is a San Fransiscan and a skate-border.  Tommy said "yeah, I know John, he is very good friend of mine, wow such a small world!  Hey, now we are friends, too." ... it is my petit blow ...

Back to serious....  Keeping the same business and developing in 10 years is much tougher thing than saying.  But they would not say "wow, we have been working so hard" but would say "hey, we enjoy what we have been doing very much!"  They show relaxing attitude and not a type of "I am, I am".  That would be why they are proud of what they do and respect arts, artist and people... that what I felt when I met them last time.  It is really great thing to keep expressing even sometimes in tough situation especially in this such recession in the US though.
Congratulation John and Jessica!