フランスの国宝級ファッションデザイナー イヴ・サンローランが21歳でグッチのチーフデザイナーに指名されてから72歳で亡くなるまでの生涯を、彼を50年近く公私共に支えたパートナーのピエール・ベルジュ氏の語りによる回顧録なドキュメンタリー。
The documentry "Yves Saint Laurent - Perre Berge L'amour Fou" was
great film.
It is the memoir documentary about the national treasure class great fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and his entire story as a fashion designer since the chief designer of Gucci at his 21st. His lifetime partner Pierre Berge is a teller.
I was moved this documentary because there is a sort of good tension throughout a dialogue and I felt the communication between the teller and the viewer between "silence" and "silence".
And I have been asking myself the meaning of persisting in my belief and what "facing myself and others" is since I saw this film.