昨日はサンフランシスコに住む義妹からメールで「まだ間に合うよ!」と意味不明のメール、よくよく読んでみると、先日書いたFECALFACE.COMの10周年Party 締めくくりはなんと トミー・ゲレロのライブが10月8日(金)。え、え、え〜!行きたいぃぃぃ!「こっちはまだ木曜日だからまだ間に合うよ!」
Like an arrow week.... time flies like an arrow.
Just can't believe that it"s going to be the middle of October... I was supposed to be the luckiest zodiac this year; hyper happy year once a 12 years - my dream comes true and I can have lots money...well, it seems time not has come yet. OK, I can expect rest of 2 months of 2010.
I was just chased by time and didn't have my own time to think about myself. I know it is not wise to feel frustration. I am saying myself to take it easy.
My sister living in SF sent a mail saying "Come on! you still make it!" She says that Tommy Guerrero will play for the Fecalface.com 10th anniversary closing party on Oct 8th Friday. And it's FREE..... WOW!!!! I WANT to go there...... She says "hey, it's Thursday here, you still make it!"