
Thursday, October 21, 2010




ちょっと前まで1ヶ月くらい、休日に積極的に出かけたり友人と会ったりするよりも、家で本を読んだり猫と遊んだり、昼寝をしたり静かに過ごしたかったけれど、先週くらいから少し外を覗いてみたいような気分になってきた。 静かに自分の時間を最優先させたい「静かちゃん」が右肩に出てくる時もあれば、静かちゃんが少しずつフェイドアウトして人と会って良い刺激を求めたい「動きちゃん」が左肩に出てくる時もある。 ようこそ、動きちゃん。楽しくやろうぜ!

Tonight, my friend Shu-san came to my house bringing a bottle of white wine.
We are neighbors but were busy and missing each other for a while.  The first time to meet my kitten, too.  Chatting, chatting, chatting with wine and sometime playing with my kitten.  It was heart-warming time and a good mood changing for me who have been in low feeling.

I preferred staying at home quietly; reading books, playing my kitten etc.... rather than meeting friends or going out for a while though, my mood has been changing to look outside a little bit since last week.  Sometimes, Miss Quiet appears on my right shoulder and she wants me not to go outside as her close and gentle friend.  And sometimes, Miss Quiet on my right shoulder fades away silently as she like and Miss Active jumps on my left shoulder looking for good vibration.  Welcome to Miss Active!   Let's have something fun!


Shu-san and my kitten


She is so cute.... I know I am a stupid mommy...
Her Miss Quiet and Miss Active appears frequently a day... and she sleeps.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010




I was invited by an editor of a magazine for the special night in Kobe.  Originally, press staff Mr. T of Beams taught my contact to the editor .... joined there with Mr. Hayashi of Result and his wife.

The magazine will be releasing soon, so I will show just a piece of photo with the master of this special event...!  Lots glasses of red wines and talk, talk, talk... great night in Kobe.

今宵の主役 ビームス白川サンと

 with tonight's master, Mr. Shirakawa of Beams


with a florist Yuko-rin and Macky at Beams

Sunday, October 17, 2010



There is a hall owned by old book (secondhand book) association and they hold a secondhand book market every month.  I like to buy art books and rare foreign books.  Very cheap; around 1000 yen and good quality.

買ったのは、"SMILES BACK" という写真集と、アンディ・ウォホールの画集"Vesvius by Warhol".

SMILES BACKは、アメリカの雑誌LIFE誌に掲載された「何これ!?」的にクスッと笑えるハプニング的な瞬間的ショットの写真集。 


I bought 2 books today; one is a photo book titled "SMILES BACK" edited by the American magazine LIFE. Another is "Vesvius by Warhol".

SMILES BACK is full of happening shots make us laugh and smile.
I love pictures in LIFE because I feel "time" and "realism" from their selection view point.


Andy Warhol is one of my favorite artist as his works are complication of full of energy, nostalgic and modern.
I was luckily went to the Andy Warhol Last Ten Decades exhibition at the Brooklyn museum this summer.

今日買った画集は、イタリア・ナポリの火山ヴェスヴィアス(1世紀にこの火山噴火でポンペイという街が埋没されたらしい)だけを描いた絵、彼のスナップショット、インタビューもありで300円で買えたのはラッキー。 彼は火山噴火はとんでもない迫力と人知を超えた現象であると同時に、すばらしい彫刻作品のようで、だからこの作品を描いた、、と。

The Vesvius by Warhol consists from pictures of Mt. Vesvius in Naple, Italy that buried the city of Pompai, his snap shots and very long interview..... I got it at only 300 yen. Andy says the reason why he drew pictures of Mt. Vesvius are an eruption is an extraordinary and an overwhelming happening and even it is a great sculpture.

Friday, October 15, 2010


HAVE A NICE DAY。。。「良い一日を」「いってらっしゃい」と見送ってくれるこの花瓶。
小町 渉さんという国内外で活躍するアーティストの作品で、2年程前に購入したが
つい最近 玄関に飾るようになった。


HAVE A NICE DAY....  this vase says so when I go out.
This is the work by the international renown artist Wataru Komachi that I bought 2 years ago.  I put it at the entrance of my house recently.

He loves punk, London, Europe that I also do love..... this vase has full of punk, pop and romantic feeling that is amazing.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Time flies like an arrow


昨日はサンフランシスコに住む義妹からメールで「まだ間に合うよ!」と意味不明のメール、よくよく読んでみると、先日書いたFECALFACE.COMの10周年Party 締めくくりはなんと トミー・ゲレロのライブが10月8日(金)。え、え、え〜!行きたいぃぃぃ!「こっちはまだ木曜日だからまだ間に合うよ!」 

Like an arrow week.... time flies like an arrow.
Just can't believe that it"s going to be the middle of October...  I was supposed to be the luckiest zodiac this year; hyper happy year once a 12 years - my dream comes true and I can have lots money...well, it seems time not has come yet.  OK, I can expect rest of 2 months of 2010.
I was just chased by time and didn't have my own time to think about myself.  I know it is not wise to feel frustration.  I am saying myself to take it easy.

My sister living in SF sent a mail saying "Come on! you still make it!"   She says that Tommy Guerrero will play for the 10th anniversary closing party on Oct 8th Friday.  And it's FREE..... WOW!!!!   I WANT to go there......  She says "hey, it's Thursday here, you still make it!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010



Last night I ate Korean BBQ lots so did a night ride in the city by my bike for an hour.
It is just less than 10 min. to the Osaka Castle park from my house but it would be dangerous a quiet night park, so I headed to Nakanoshima taking 20 min.

my bike Bianchi

中之島は字のごとく、川と川の間にある島で、例えて言うなら パリのセーヌ川にあるシテ島。中之島は明治時代には洋風の建築に溢れた、格式ある場所だったよう。 
余談ですが、私は場所の「気」を本能的に感じますが、中之島はとても良い「気」を感じるから好きな場所の一つ。 夜も良いけど、天気のよい昼間の散策も好き。

Osaka city was famous for the business city because of lots of rivers, and Nakanoshima was the center of business.  Osaka stock market and major banks and insurance companies were born here, it was really backbone of Japan business since 200 years ago.

Nakanoshima  means an island in the middle; a natural island between two rivers that is like Cite in the Seine in Paris.   Lots of western style buildings were in Nakanoshima and it was very authentic place in 100 years ago.  It has been developing with restaurants, cafe, museums and cool stores.... good place to walk around.

I have an instinctive feeling to "energy of place or land", I love Nakanoshima as I can feel good energy.
Riding in daytime is really good, too.

大阪中央公会堂 1911年築

Osaka City Central Public Hall built in 1911

日銀 大阪支店
The Japan Bank, Osaka branch

大阪市役所  Osaka City Hall
流線型がいい。 好きなビルの一つ、朝日新聞本社

Cool steamline shape; one of my favourite building Head office of Asahi News Paper


Very controversial now in Japan; the secret office in Osaka

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just relaxing saturday

まあ、うちの会社はそんなもんです、いつも間際にバタバタ、、そうして何とか片付けるからミラクルに近い。 しかし、引っ越し、しかも本社なので一大事。

It was just relaxing Saturday.
My company has just moved this week, so exhausted.
Employees was informed the move just 10 days before.  There was national holiday week in between, so we had to settle everything in 7 business days, yes, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!

Well,well,,, this is the style of my company.  Everything is "short notice", we are all hectic, and we always do it that is almost miracle.  But, moving of head office is big issue.  I was so tired.
So, I just played with my kitten, listened to music, took a nap today....

音楽歴36年! いつでも新鮮な彼ら。

This is one of my recent favourite CD; the newest album of Los Lobos.
Their carrer is now 36 years!
Always fresh and attractive....

SIM REDMOND BANDは何年か聴いているけれど、最近 猫とリラックスする時に聴くのがドンピシャであること発見。愛猫も、ニャオーニャー。

I have been listening to the Sim Redmond Band for a few years, and I have discovered that this is very best music when relaxing with my kitten.  She is always 'mew, mew" with it.